Our Program On


With a literacy rate of only 48.3% and challenges such as inadequate infrastructure, a shortage of trained teachers, and high dropout rates, Liberia's education sector desperately needs support.

Our Education program at BDI is designed to tackle these critical issues head-on, with the ultimate goal of improving access to quality education for all. We are committed to constructing and rehabilitating schools, providing teacher training, and implementing retention strategies to reduce student dropout rates.

Our Education Program Goals

  1. Quality Education for All: We aim to improve access to quality education by constructing and rehabilitating schools, providing teacher training, and implementing retention strategies to reduce student dropout rates.
  2. Equal Access to Education: We strive for equal access for all children, regardless of gender, economic background, or geographical location, and work to tackle educational barriers such as early marriage and child labor.
  3. Emphasis on Early Childhood Education: Recognizing the importance of early cognitive and social development, we aim to implement and support programs focusing on early childhood education.

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Our Approach And Strategy For the Education Sector

We believe in the power of education to transform lives and communities. Our program focuses on ensuring the Quality of Education by improving curriculums and creating conducive learning environments. We also place a particular emphasis on Girls’ Education to address gender disparities and empower girls through knowledge and skills.

Understanding that learning can happen at any age, our program includes Adult Literacy initiatives. We aim to equip adults who may still need to complete formal education with essential reading and writing skills.

In our pursuit of education for all, we ensure our initiatives are inclusive for children with disabilities or special needs. Our Inclusive Education approach adapts learning environments and teaching methodologies to cater to these unique needs.

As we prepare children for the future, we strongly emphasize Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education. By encouraging and facilitating the study of STEM subjects, we prepare our students for a wide range of careers in the modern world.

We also understand the importance of non-academic skills in a child’s development. Our Life Skills Education approach equips children with essential skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and leadership.

Recognizing that health and education are deeply intertwined, we have incorporated School Health and Nutrition initiatives into our program. We aim to reduce absenteeism and improve learning outcomes by improving children’s health and nutrition.

We also prioritize Education in Emergencies, providing educational opportunities in emergency and conflict situations. This ensures that children and youth affected by crises can continue their education.

Your support is crucial in our mission to transform Liberia’s education sector. Donations, partnerships, and collaborations can significantly contribute to our ability to provide quality education for every child in Liberia. Please help us create a future where every Liberian child can achieve their full potential.

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Your support can significantly enhance our education initiatives,
providing opportunities and resources for children to realize their potential.