Our Program On


Despite significant strides, Liberian women continue to grapple with substantial gender-based obstacles. With only 25% of parliamentary seats held by women and a prevalence of domestic violence at 39%, the need for gender equality and women's empowerment is more critical than ever.

Our Women’s Empowerment program at BDI is designed to address and overcome these hurdles. We are committed to ensuring access to quality education for girls and women, promoting literacy, and supporting the continuation of schooling, even amidst challenges like early marriage and motherhood.

Our Women Empowerment Program Goals

  1. Quality Education for Women: We aim to ensure access to quality education for girls and women, promote literacy, and support the continuation of schooling even amidst challenges like early marriage and motherhood.
  2. Women’s Health and Reproductive Rights: We strive to promote women’s health and reproductive rights by providing access to health services, especially reproductive healthcare, and fostering education about reproductive rights.
  3. Economic Empowerment of Women: Our goal is to facilitate women’s economic empowerment by encouraging participation in various economic activities, providing vocational training, promoting entrepreneurship, and ensuring fair employment opportunities.

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Women Empowerment

Our Approach And Strategy For Advancing Women Empowerment

We believe in the power of education to transform lives and communities. Our program focuses on ensuring the Quality of Education by improving curriculums and creating conducive learning environments. We also place a particular emphasis on Girls’ Education to address gender disparities and empower girls through knowledge and skills.

Understanding that health is a fundamental human right, we promote Women’s Health and Reproductive Rights, providing access to health services, especially reproductive healthcare, and fostering education about reproductive rights.

In our pursuit of economic empowerment for women, we facilitate women’s participation in various economic activities, providing vocational training, promoting entrepreneurship, and ensuring fair employment opportunities.

Your support is crucial in our mission to transform Liberia’s education sector. Donations, partnerships, and collaborations can significantly contribute to our ability to provide quality education for every child in Liberia. Please help us create a future where every Liberian child can achieve their full potential.

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Now, it’s your turn.

Your support can significantly enhance our women’s empowerment initiatives,
providing opportunities and resources for women to realize their potential.