
Cultivating Prosperity: Fueling Agribusiness Growth in Liberia

Liberia’s vast agricultural potential presents a unique opportunity for sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction.

Growth in the agricultural sector in Liberia accelerated to 5.9% from 3.3% in 2021 according to the world bank.

However, realizing this potential for growth requires strategic investment and support for the agribusiness sector which is still left behind.

Our fundraising initiative aims to catalyze agribusiness growth in Liberia, creating a ripple effect of positive impact that reaches farmers, communities, and the nation.

The primary targets are youth and women entrepreneurs. BDI seeks to instill an entrepreneurship mindset in the youth of Liberia in the sector to create jobs.

The Agribusiness Challenge: 

Despite its rich natural resources and fertile land, Liberia’s agribusiness sector faces multifaceted challenges. Limited access to financing, outdated farming techniques, inadequate infrastructure, and disjointed value chains hinder the sector’s growth and potential economic contribution. More so, youth involvement in agribusiness is less. At least 65% of youth in Liberia prefer jobs in the private sector to agribusiness. This has to change. An increase in young people’s aspirations will drive economic development in Liberia.

 Our Vision for the agriculture sector: 

BDI envisions a Liberia where agribusiness is a driving force of economic development, providing sustainable livelihoods, improving food security, value addition, and contributing to poverty reduction. By addressing the key challenges and barriers, we aim to transform the agribusiness landscape in Liberia.

Our Strategy: 

Our comprehensive approach focuses on three strategic pillars:

  1. Access to Finance: BDI recognizes that lack of capital is a significant roadblock for agribusiness entrepreneurs and smallholder farmers. Through targeted financial programs, we will provide low-interest loans, grants, and training in financial literacy, empowering them to invest in modern technologies, quality inputs, and sustainable practices.
  2. Technology and Innovation: Embracing modern agricultural techniques is vital for boosting productivity and competitiveness. Our initiative will promote the adoption of innovative technologies, such as precision farming, mechanization, and digital solutions, through training, workshops, and technology transfer programs.
  3. Market Development: Strengthening market linkages and value chains is critical to ensuring farmers receive fair prices for their produce. BDI seeks to establish connections between farmers, processors, distributors, and retailers, facilitating market access and reducing post-harvest losses.

How You Can Make a Difference: 

Your donation support drives agribusiness growth and transforms lives in Liberia. You can also partner with us by contacting us at By contributing to our initiative, you are investing in:

  • Financial Empowerment: Providing access to capital and financial education for agribusiness entrepreneurs and smallholder farmers, especially youth and women.
  • Innovation: Facilitating the adoption of modern agricultural technologies to enhance productivity and sustainability.
  • Market Access: Creating opportunities for farmers to access markets and receive fair compensation for their products.

Join Our Mission: 

Together, we can unlock the potential of Liberia’s agribusiness sector’s potential, impacting livelihoods, food security, and the economy. Your donation will play a pivotal role in turning our vision into reality..