
Empowering Women: Ending Period Poverty in Liberia

Menstrual hygiene is not just a personal matter; it is a critical issue affecting women’s and girls’ health, education, and dignity.

In Liberia, one in four women and girls face challenges accessing menstrual hygiene products, leading to missed educational opportunities and adverse health outcomes.

One in every four girls is into transactional sex to pay for a pad and get sanitary materials. Our initiative aims to tackle period poverty in Liberia by providing sustainable solutions that empower women, school-going girls and promote gender equality.

The Challenge:

In Liberia, period poverty perpetuates a cycle of inequality. Lack of access to affordable and safe menstrual hygiene products forces many girls to miss school during their periods, leading to educational setbacks. Additionally, inadequate sanitation facilities further exacerbate the problem, impacting women and girls’ physical and mental well-being.

Our Vision for this cause: 

BASA Development Initiatives envision a Liberia where every woman and girl can manage her menstrual health with dignity and without barriers. By addressing period poverty, BDI aims to unlock the potential of Liberian women and girls, enabling them to participate in education, work, and community life fully.

Our Solution: 

Our comprehensive approach focuses on three key pillars:

  1. Menstrual Hygiene Education: BDI believes that knowledge is power. Through workshops and awareness campaigns, BDI seeks to educate women and girls about menstrual health, hygiene practices, and the importance of breaking the stigma surrounding menstruation.
  2. Access to Menstrual Products: BDI seeks to establish distribution networks to provide affordable and sustainable hygiene products, the menstrual cups. It is made up of silica and lasts for 10 years. Ensuring a supply to every woman and girl in Liberia empowers women and girls to manage their periods with dignity.
  3. Improved Sanitation Facilities: BDI is committed to working with communities to improve sanitation facilities in schools, public spaces, and households. Access to clean and private facilities is essential for maintaining menstrual hygiene and overall well-being. In Liberia, people using at least basic sanitation services is at 18% according to the World Bank.

How You Can Help: 

Your support through donations is crucial in realizing our vision. BDI seeks to reach 20,000 women and girls in Liberia by 2026. By contributing to our initiative, you are investing in:

  • Education: Empowering women and girls with knowledge about menstrual health and hygiene.
  • Access: Ensuring that menstrual hygiene products and the menstrual cup are readily available.
  • Infrastructure: Improving sanitation facilities to create a conducive environment for menstrual hygiene management in schools, hospitals, clinics, and strategic public places.

Join Us: 

Together, we can break the cycle of period poverty and create a brighter future for Liberian women and girls. Your donation will directly have a lasting impact by improving health, education, and gender equality. You can also partner with us by contacting us at