Ending Period Poverty Campaign in Liberia

This initiative is designed to empower girls in Liberia with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage their menstrual health effectively. This initiative will gradually roll out nationally to keep rural schools going in classes during their periods.

Addressing period poverty is crucial to ensuring access to sanitary products, menstrual hygiene education, and proper sanitation facilities. It’s a global issue impacting the health and well-being of millions of menstruators. Biases, cultural beliefs, and systemic factors contribute to this problem. In Liberia, many girls face challenges accessing menstrual hygiene resources due to socio-economic constraints and cultural stigmas. Millions of girls and women struggle to afford sanitary products, leading to missed school days and significant economic impacts. Additionally, inadequate menstrual hygiene resources contribute to health risks and environmental issues.

Objectives and Deliverables

The objectives of this program were to introduce the menstrual cup and educate girls on good health and hygiene practices during their periods, signs and symptoms of menstruation, and complications that may arise during menstruation.

The program aimed to empower girls with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage their menstrual health effectively and confidently.

Expected Results

The program will educate girls on the physical and emotional changes they may experience during menstruation, such as cramps, mood swings, and changes in body temperature. Furthermore, Girls were informed about potential complications that may arise during menstruation, such as heavy bleeding, irregular periods, and menstrual cramps, and how to manage these issues effectively.  

The objectives of this program were to introduce the menstrual cup and educate girls on good health and hygiene practices during their periods, signs and symptoms of menstruation, and complications that may arise during menstruation.

The program aims to empower girls with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage their menstrual health effectively and confidently.