Household Affordability Survey in (North-) Western and Southeastern Liberia

BASA Development Initiatives conducted a Household Affordability Survey for GIZ in (North-) Western and Southeastern Liberia as a critical initiative to enhance electricity access for low-income households through market-based solutions. The primary objective of the survey is to gather socio-economic data to determine demand-side subsidies for the distribution of solar home systems (SHS) in Liberia. This aligns with the overarching goal of the project, which is to accelerate electricity access for low-income households and support the development of the off-grid solar (OGS) market in Liberia, ultimately contributing to sustainable development in the region.

Objectives and Deliverables

The specific objectives of the survey include assessing household income and expenditures, including those related to energy services and cooking energy. It also aims to gauge household willingness and ability to pay for improved cookstoves and solar home systems, as well as household size, gender distribution, and occupation. Through these objectives, the survey will provide valuable insights into the affordability of SHS and help determine the appropriate subsidy levels for different counties in Liberia.

In terms of deliverables, when selected, BDI will develop comprehensive household surveys in cooperation with GIZ/EnDev and conduct surveys in selected areas within the specified counties. The data collected will be compiled and analyzed to identify trends and patterns, which will be presented in an overall narrative report. This report will be submitted to GIZ/EnDev for review and approval, ensuring the findings are accurate, reliable, and actionable.