Business Support Service (EU-funded Cassava Transformation Project)

BDI-Liberia is involved in the EU-funded Cassava Transformation Project in Southeast Liberia, providing business support services and training in climate-smart agriculture and good agricultural practices to project beneficiaries. The services offered by BDI include coaching, business management training, and mentorship, among others. BDI’s focus is on integrating climate-smart agriculture into the farming system and enhancing effective agricultural practices. The organization operates in three counties, namely Maryland, Sinoe, and River Gee, Maryland, and Sinoe.


– 27 Training and formation of VSLAs (understanding the enterprise concept of growth.

–  Training 400 farmers in 3 counties on climate-smart agriculture practices

– Coached and developed plans and structures for 6 Agribusinesses

– Coordinating operations with 4 cooperatives.