
Combating Malaria: Empowering Rural Liberia with Prevention and Treatment

Malaria continues to pose a significant threat to the health and well-being of communities in rural Liberia. The lack of access to proper prevention measures and timely treatment exacerbates the impact of this deadly disease.

Our fundraising initiative seeks to make a tangible difference by providing comprehensive malaria prevention and treatment interventions to the most vulnerable populations in rural areas.

The Malaria Challenge: 

Liberia’s rural communities bear the brunt of malaria’s devastating effects. Limited access to healthcare facilities, inadequate education on prevention methods, and insufficient resources for treatment contribute to the high prevalence of malaria in these areas. The estimated malaria incidence rate in Liberia per 1,000 population is 164 while the mortality rate is 7 per 100,000 people. This has to change.

Our Vision: 

We envision a Liberia where malaria is no longer a barrier to health and prosperity, especially in rural communities. We aim to significantly reduce malaria cases, alleviate suffering, and improve the overall quality of life in these areas through targeted interventions, education, and support.

Our Strategy: 

Our comprehensive approach to malaria prevention and treatment focuses on three strategic pillars:

  1. Education and Awareness: Knowledge is the first line of defense against malaria. BDI aims to launch community-based awareness campaigns, conduct educational workshops, and distribute informational materials to empower rural residents with the information they need to prevent malaria. The team will use community radio stations, townhall meetings using local dialects to communicate with communities.
  2. Access to Prevention Tools: BDI understands that preventive measures are crucial. Providing insecticide-treated bed nets and promoting their proper use will create a physical barrier against mosquito bites and reduce the risk of malaria transmission. More to that, BDI max repellent which prevents mosquitoes bit for 16 hours is good for smallholder farmers and other populations while working on farms or in marketplaces.
  3. Timely Treatment: Rapid diagnosis and effective treatment are vital to saving lives. We will work to improve access to diagnostic testing and ensure the availability of antimalarial drugs in remote healthcare facilities.

How You Can Make a Difference: 

Your donation support is pivotal in the fight against malaria in rural Liberia. By contributing to our initiative, you are investing in:

  • Education: Equipping communities with the knowledge to prevent malaria and recognize its symptoms.
  • Prevention: Supplying insecticide-treated bed nets and promoting their proper use. Distribution of max repellent would protect individuals away from their homes.
  • Treatment: Ensuring timely access to diagnostic testing and effective antimalarial medication.

Join Our Mission: 

Together, we can turn the tide against malaria and improve the lives of countless individuals in rural Liberia. Your donation will be a beacon of hope, supporting a comprehensive approach to malaria prevention and treatment. You can also partner with us by contacting us at