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Liberia is home to 43% of the remaining Upper Guinean forest, a biodiversity hotspot, yet it faces severe threats from deforestation, illegal wildlife trade, and climate change.

Liberia’s rich biodiversity is under severe threat due to deforestation, illegal wildlife trade, and the looming specter of climate change. These environmental challenges not only affect the wildlife but also the communities that rely on these resources for survival. With 43% of the country’s remaining Upper Guinean forest, Liberia is a biodiversity hotspot that needs urgent attention. Let’s protect and restore Liberia’s biodiversity with BDI.

Our Eniveronment Program Goals

  1. Protect and Restore Biodiversity: Our primary goal is to protect and restore Liberia’s biodiversity by establishing protected areas, rehabilitating degraded ecosystems, and promoting the sustainable use of natural resources.
  2. Climate Change Education and Awareness: We aim to raise awareness and educate communities about the impacts of climate change and the importance of individual and community action in mitigating these impacts.
  3. Sustainable Energy Transition: We support the transition to sustainable energy by advocating for and assisting in adopting renewable energy technologies, reducing reliance on fossil fuels, and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions.

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Our Approach And Strategy For the Environment Sector

Our Conservation & Climate Change program at BDI is designed to counter environmental issues head-on. We implement tree-planting projects for afforestation and reforestation to restore forests, sequester carbon, and create habitats for wildlife.

Through our waste management initiative, we encourage waste reduction, recycling, and composting, and implement projects to reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

We also execute projects to conserve water, improve water use efficiency, and protect water resources. Furthermore, we protect and restore ecosystems that provide essential services such as clean water, climate regulation, and pollination.

BDI is heavily involved in climate policy advocacy, pushing for robust local, national, and international climate policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase resilience to climate change impacts.

Finally, we implement projects to build community resilience to climate change impacts. This includes promoting climate-smart agricultural practices, implementing early warning systems for extreme weather events, and improving infrastructure resilience.

With our combined efforts, we strive to protect and preserve Liberia’s biodiversity, reduce the impacts of climate change, and promote sustainable livelihoods. We aim to ensure that future generations inherit a healthier, more sustainable environment.

Get Involved

Now, it’s your turn.

With your support, we can protect our ecosystems, conserve biodiversity, and combat climate challenges.
Be part of BDI’s transformative mission.