Liberia’s Agricultural Financing Framework Development

BASA Development Initiatives led the data collection and execution (data collection, training enumerators, logistics, finances, and operations) the data collection leading to the development of an agricultural financing framework for Liberia. BDI provided support to Elitrust Ghana. The research was funded by CERATH Development Organization through the EU-funded Cassava Transformation Project.

The data collection was done in Monsterrado, Bong, Lofa, Grand Geedeh, and Sinoe Counties. Access to financing for smallholder farmers, agribusinesses, and related service providers are focal areas for the Cassava Transformation project.

The project sought to enhance financing for the target agricultural value chains and related rural economies in Liberia. While there are (and have been) initiatives to stimulate financing for the agricultural and rural sectors, there is a need for a national framework that will serve as the blueprint or road map for agricultural financing initiatives.