BDI Founder & CEO, Katherina M. Hopkins

Our Founding Journey: The Awakening of BASA Development Initiatives

Dear Friend,

Did you know that almost 60% of Africa’s population is under 25, making it the world’s youngest continent? Yet, shockingly, Liberia, a country rich in potential, reports that over 85% of its young people are unemployed. This stark contrast between vibrant youthfulness and crippling unemployment forms the crux of our struggle and is why BASA Development Initiatives (BDI) was born.

Now let’s continue with our journey…

A Spark Ignites in Nairobi
Every impactful journey begins with a spark, an inspiration, a vision that fuels an indomitable desire to create change. My awakening occurred on a typical day in Nairobi, Kenya, when BASA was conceived.

Imagine me, a young Liberian woman, committed to shaping the future of my homeland but caught in a whirlpool of questions — What direction should I take? Which sector, private or non-profit, would let me contribute most meaningfully? What should the name of my endeavor be?

The Birth of BASA: Embracing Our Roots
The epiphany happened at Seroni Restaurant in Nairobi on July 14, 2019, while I conversed with my brother. A seemingly ordinary incident unfolded before us: a fellow African, who had spent some years in the United States, displayed resentment for the traditional African dish served to him, upset with the lack of utensils. “Why should African businesses serve meals in such a primitive way? It’s unacceptable!” he stormed out of the restaurant. 

The incident sparked a reflection. Why do we Africans, who’ve seen the world, often look down upon our roots instead of leveraging our global experiences to uplift our continent? From this thought was born the powerful mantra, “Born African, Stay African,” or in shorthand, BASA. This would become my beacon for encouraging Africans worldwide to take ownership of our narrative and drive development in our lands. My resolve solidified: to weave the rich mosaic of Africa, one piece at a time.

Seeds of Change: From an Online Store to a Vision
The seed of BASA took root as an online store offering African slippers and bags, cultivating a sense of pride in our local artisanal creations. But as I dove deeper into Liberia’s development sector, I saw an urgent need. The limitations of Liberian organizations in financial management, procurement, and reporting were evident. Additionally, allegations of corruption and the sheer untapped potential of our youthful population beckoned for attention. As a young Liberian woman, I felt a powerful call to shape this generation positively.

BASA Development Initiatives: A Journey Begins
Driven by this compelling need, I transitioned BASA into the BASA Development Initiatives (BDI) in June 2021. BDI’s mission is to bridge these institutional gaps and empower women, transform their societal perception, and encourage youth development.

Our Call to Action: The Power of Collaboration
Bringing this mission to life is challenging; we cannot do it alone. We seek partners who share our passion for Liberia and Africa. BDI embraces co-creation from project inception to completion. We extend our invitation to INGOs operating in Liberia, philanthropists, donors, and other individuals to join hands with BDI and touch the lives of the youth and women of Liberia.

Driving Impact Across Diverse Fields
Our intervention areas are diverse yet focused, including agriculture (agribusiness), WASH, education, health promotion, conservation, climate change, gender equality, youth, and women’s development. BDI is fortified with a dynamic team of professionals, each carrying 5-15 years of experience in their respective fields. While we may be new as an organization, our team members have contributed to significant projects backed by prominent bodies like the World Bank, USAID, the European Union, Irish Aid, LGT, King Philanthropies, and the Australian Development Agency.

Join Us in Our Journey Towards Transformative Change
Your support can be the wind beneath our wings, enabling us to impact the lives of countless underprivileged youth and women across Liberia. Connect with me, and let us discuss how we can make a difference together.

Thank you for reading our story. We hope it’s just the beginning of a shared transformative change journey.

Warm regards,

Katherina Martu Hopkins
Founder & Chief Executive Officer