
Sustainable Communities: Empowering Liberia Through Community-Based Waste Management

In Liberia, inadequate waste management poses a serious threat to public health, the environment, and the overall well-being of communities. Our fundraising initiative aims to transform this challenge into an opportunity by implementing community-based waste management solutions. We can create cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable neighborhoods by fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility.

The Waste Management Challenge:
Unregulated waste disposal leads to pollution of water bodies, soil degradation, and the spread of diseases in Liberia. The absence of organized waste collection and recycling systems exacerbates these issues, particularly in rural and underserved communities. This results in damage to the environment and increased illness in Liberian communities.

Our Vision:
We envision a Liberia where communities actively participate in waste management, leading to cleaner environments, reduced health risks, and improved quality of life. Through our initiative, we aim to empower communities to take charge of their waste, transforming them into agents of positive change.

Our Strategy:
Our community-based waste management approach focuses on three strategic pillars:

1. Education and Awareness: Knowledge is the foundation of change. We will engage with communities through workshops, awareness campaigns, and educational programs to promote waste reduction, separation, and proper disposal practices.

2. Infrastructure Development and Entrepreneurship: Establishing waste collection points, recycling facilities, and composting sites is essential for effective waste management. We will collaborate with local partners to build the necessary infrastructure and provide training on its maintenance. BDI will provide training and capital to set up businesses that recycle waste.

3. Behavioral Change: By encouraging responsible waste management behaviors, we will empower communities to take ownership of their waste. BDI will work with local leaders and influencers to promote sustainable practices and create a culture of cleanliness. BDI will use behavior-changing communication to change community perception.

How You Can Make a Difference:
Your support is crucial in creating cleaner and healthier communities in Liberia. This will also lead to the creation of businesses that will make the effort sustainable. By contributing to our initiative, you are investing in:

Education: Equipping communities with the knowledge and skills to manage waste effectively. Train young people to set up and run businesses that recycle waste and provide jobs.
Infrastructure: Establishing waste collection and recycling infrastructure to improve waste management.

Behavioral Change: Fostering a culture of responsible waste management and environmental stewardship. BDI will use behavior change communications.

Join Our Mission:
We can turn waste management into a community-driven endeavor that transforms lives. Your donation will catalyze cleaner streets, healthier environments, and empowered communities. You can partner with us by emailing us at partnerships@basadev.org.